Treatment Information


Melanoma treatment details. Biologic therapy.

Burmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center, Bimingham, Alabama, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:4City/State/Province:Bimingham, Alabama
Treatments:Biologic therapyHospital:Burmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date:Dec 2007


Patients: This Phase I study involved 17 patients with stage IV melanoma with metastatic lesions. The age range was 36-85 years.

Treatment: Patients were given the investigational agent KW-2871, a monoclonal antibody.

Toxicity: One patient had grade 4 seizures, grade 3 urticaria, and grade 2 fever/chills/rigor. This patient had a history of brain metasteses. Other grade 3 toxicities included laryngeal edema, chest tightness, and urticaria. All patients experienced at least one toxic event.

Results: Survival was not reported because the effectiveness of this treatment was not an aim of the trial, it was to determine doses and toxicities.

Support: This work was supported by Kyowa Pharmaceuticals, which employees one of the authors and developed KW-2871.

Correspondence: Dr. Andres Forero
