Treatment Information


Ovarian Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy.

Dana Farber/Partners Cancer Care Program, Boston, Mass, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:4City/State/Province:Boston, Mass
Treatments:ChemotherapyHospital:Dana Farber/Partners Cancer Care Program
Date:Apr 2006


Patients: This phase II trial involved 74 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Patients were separated into two groups - 58 women with platinum-resistant disease and 16 with platinum-sensitive disease. The overall median age was 57.

Treatment: Patients received intravenous irofluven. Irofluven is a derivative of a highly toxic molecule isolated from the Jack O'Lantern mushroom.

Toxicity: Toxicities included: grade 4 anorexia, nausea, thrombocytopenia and significant retinal toxicity.

Results: Overall median survival was not reported. There were only two documented responses (one for 3 months and one for 5 months). This study found that irofluven had limited antitumor activity (with these patients).

Support: The study was supported by a grant from MGI PHARMA Inc. This company manufactures and/or markets irofluven.

Correspondence: Dr. Michael Seiden
