Treatment Information


Rectal Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy, Radiation.

C.R.O. National Cancer Institute, Aviano, Italy.

Survival: monthsCountry:Italy
Toxiciy Grade:3City/State/Province:Aviano
Treatments:Chemotherapy, RadiationHospital:C.R.O. National Cancer Institute
Date:Nov 2005


Patients: This Phase II study involved 53 patients with locally advanced, resectable, rectal cancer. Thirty-nine patients were men, fourteen were women, and median age was 63 years.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of one chemotherapeutic agent: capecitabine. Radiation therapy was also administered.

Toxicity: Grade 1-3 toxicities included leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, diarrhea, and proctitis.

Results: The median overall survival was not reported. Thirty-one patients responded to treatment (2 complete, 29 partial), and twenty-two achieved stable disease. The authors concluded, "Preoperative chemoradiation with capecitabine and RT appeared to be effective in locally advanced
resectable, rectal cancer."

Correspondence: Dr A. De Paoli
