Treatment Information


Prostate Cancer treatment details. Immunotherapy.

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Survival: monthsCountry:Sweden
Toxiciy Grade:2City/State/Province:Stockholm
Treatments:ImmunotherapyHospital:Karolinska Institute
Date:Aug 2004


Patients: This Phase I trial involved 9 patients with hormone resistent prostate cancer. 5 had metastases in bone, lung, or lymph nodes.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of a type of immunotherapy - a DNA vaccination with a plasmid expressing PSA.

Toxicity: There were no adverse events greater than Grade 2. The grade 1 and/or 2 toxicities included: runny nose, fatigue, myalgia, chills, fever, erythemia, swelling, induration, itching, local pain, and papular urticaria.

Results: Three patients developed an objective decrease in the slope of their PSA levels. One patient without metastases developed liver metastases during the study. One patient with bone metastaes had this metastates progress (increase in tumor volume) during the study. Four of five patients with metastates had no change in tumor volume during the study. Overall survival was not reported.

Correspondence: Dr. P. Pisa
