Treatment Information


Ovarian Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy.

University Hospital of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.

Survival: monthsCountry:Netherlands
Toxiciy Grade:3City/State/Province:Groningen
Treatments:ChemotherapyHospital:University Hospital of Groningen
Date:Apr 2005


Patients: This Phase II study involved 90 women with advanced ovarian cancer. The patients were randomly placed into two groups. Group A (45 patients) had a median age of 60. None of the patients had received first-line chemotherapy before the study.

Treatment: For Group A, the treatment consisted of two chemotherapeutic agents: paclitaxel and carboplatin.

Toxicity: For Group A, grade 3-4 toxicities included: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, and neurotoxicity.

Results: Although the median survival for the entire patient population was not determined, the median progression-free survival was 16 months for group A. The authors concluded that the addition of amifostine to paclitaxel-carboplatin therapy "shows only minor but significant activity in diminishing neurotoxicity without preventing paclitaxel + carboplatin-induced bone marrow toxicity."

Support: Bristol-Myers Squibb and Schering-Plough provided financial support for this study. Bristol-Myers Squibb manufactures and markets paclitaxel and carboplatin. Schering-Plough manufactures and markets amifostine.

Correspondence: P.H.B. Willemse, MD
