Treatment Information


Mesothelioma treatment details. Radiation.

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia.

Survival: monthsCountry:Australia
Toxiciy Grade:1City/State/Province:Perth
Treatments:RadiationHospital:Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Date:Jul 2004


Patients: This study involved 43 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Only a subset of patients were administered the radiotherapy treatment.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of a single-dose of radiotherapy to prevent the metastasis that often takes place (i.e. 19% of the time) in the chest wall after a thoracoscopy.

Toxicity: Toxicities were described as mild with nothing over grade 1.

Results: There was no statistical difference in metastasis between the patients that received the radiotherapy, and those that did not. The overall median survival was 8.7 months.

Correspondence: Dr. S. Bydder
