Treatment Information


Rectal Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery.

Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

Survival: monthsCountry:Australia
Toxiciy Grade:4City/State/Province:Melbourne
Treatments:Chemotherapy, Radiation, SurgeryHospital:Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria
Date:Aug 2001


Patients: This Phase II study involved 42 patients with stage T3 or T4 adenocarcinoma of the rectum.

Treatment: Teatment consisted of systemic chemotherapy, 5-fluorouracil (adrucil) and leucovorin with radiotherapy followed by surgery. Twenty-four patients also received the same chemotherapy post-operatively (after surgery).

Toxicity: Grade 4 toxicities related to the chemo-radiation included: diarrhea, stomatitis, and granulocytes. Grade 1-3 chemo-radiation toxicities included: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, perineal dermatitis, alopecia (grade1-2 only), infection, hemorrhage (grade1-2 only), bladder frequency, cystitis, granulocytes (grade1-2 only), and platelets (grade1-2 only). jor surgical complications occurred in 7 patients.

Results: Overall survival was not discussed.
